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Bath Photographic Society will use reasonable endeavors to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) to see that all membership and consent data provided by members is:

• Held and used with each member’s consent.

• Lawfully used and securely kept.

• Accurate and up to date and not kept for longer than necessary.

• Not transferred to any other party without the member’s consent.


The Society will achieve these policy objectives as follows: The Membership Secretary is responsible for ensuring the policy is understood by Council Members who may wish to use the data for the furthering of the objects of the Society.

The Membership Secretary will

• Keep all original signed membership documents, forms and consents in an organized nondigital manner.

• See that Council Members delete or destroy all contact information, however held, when a person ceases to be a member except that the Membership Secretary shall continue to hold limited contact details in a non-digital form.

• See that members under the age of 16 have written consent provided by a parent or guardian, such consent being kept with the member’s documents.

• See that all elected and co-opted Council members, with the exception of the Newsletter Secretary, know they must not construct or keep address lists of members and must not transfer any Society Member’s information in any form.

• See that the Newsletter Secretary has the names & email addresses of all current members who have given consent for email communications.

• See that the Competitions Secretary has the names & membership numbers of all current members.

• See that this policy document is reviewed and updated regularly and at least annually, preferably prior to the Society’s AGM.


Nothing set out above is to preclude

• The incidental use of individual personal data for the purposes of communication between members and Council Members in furtherance of the day-to-day activities of the Society.

• The administration of competitions and posting of competition results and identification of images by the Competition Secretary and External Competition Secretary.

• The administration of exhibitions and identification of images by the Exhibition Secretary.

• The administration of photographs for the Dorothy House Calendar by the coordinator All routine general communications with members will be by email using Mailchimp or any other alternative email system. In all cases where more than one member is contacted at the same time, emails must be sent bcc.


The Newsletter Secretary will:

• See that the email system list is always up to date and ready to be used by the Hon. Secretary, the Competition and Exhibition Secretaries and, subject to the approval of Council, any other Council Member

• Remove from the email list, any person ceasing to be a member or any Member wishing tobe removed, as directed by the Membership Secretary

• See that there is an unsubscribe option in every mass email mailing sent by the Society.


The Hon. Treasurer of the Society is the Membership Secretary for the purposes of the GDPR. Members should contact the Membership Secretary to review and/or change their details or discuss any concerns regarding the Society’s compliance with the GDPR.

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